Capturing the Attention of Gen-Z

Sep 24, 2023

Generation Z includes those born between the mid-to-late 90s up until the early 2010s. It would only make sense that Gen Z is commonly referred to as “post-millennials”.

The New Kids on the Block

For the last 10 years, marketing research has been largely focused on the motivation of Millennials as their buying power began to match that of Baby Boomers. Dissecting and understanding the Millennial was all the rage amongst the world’s biggest brands. Fast forward to 2020, where relevancy has now shifted toward the next generation of buyers: Generation Z. As an undervalued group of society, Gen Zers should not be ignored as your company tailors its marketing efforts. Here are a few key insights to keep in mind as you develop long term relationships with the newest generation.

Who are Gen Z anyways?

Generation Z includes those born between the mid-to-late 90s up until the early 2010s. It would only make sense that Gen Z is commonly referred to as “post-millennials”. Gen Zers are today’s teens and early 20-somethings; they’re likely attending college or about to enter into the workforce. Generation Z is also the most ethnically diverse and largest generation In history, comprising of 27% of the US population.

Ethical initiatives are the key to their heart

Similar to Millennials, Gen Zers highly value brands that showcase ethical responsibility. Generation Z is acutely aware of environmental, political, and socio-economic problems that societies face today; your business shouldn’t be any different. A Gen Zer will quickly see through any inauthentic façade and owning a business with the sole purpose of making money just won’t cut it. If you haven’t already, ask yourself how your business serves a greater purpose in your local community. If the answer is “I don’t know,” start by figuring out your own personal values and go from there.

Create unique and memorable interactions

Similar to Millennials, Gen Zers highly value brands that showcase ethical responsibility. Generation Z is acutely aware of environmental, political, and socio-economic problems that societies face today; your business shouldn’t be any different. A Gen Zer will quickly see through any inauthentic façade and owning a business with the sole purpose of making money just won’t cut it. If you haven’t already, ask yourself how your business serves a greater purpose in your local community. If the answer is “I don’t know,” start by figuring out your own personal values and go from there.

Having a functional mobile site is now more important than ever, with over 50% of teens using their smartphones to shop online. This means that your mobile site should realistically have the same usability and e-commerce capability of desktop. We recommend choosing a mobile-optimized web theme, simplifying your checkout process, and utilizing vertical video when appropriate. Both Wix and Squarespace are great options for building a professional site that transitions well over mobile without any extra finicking.

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